Thursday 19 November 2020

How effective will the CA curfew be?

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) - As the state deals with a spike in COVID cases, counties in the restrictive purple tier are heading into an overnight curfew.

In downtown Pleasanton, you can see quite empty at this hour, which is what public health officials want to see as this curfew is geared towards restricting large gatherings with people outside our households.

Starting Saturday, people who are not on essential errands must stay home from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. until December 21st as the rate of COVID infection soars statewide.

94 percent of California is in the most restrictive purple tier of the reopening phase -- That includes six Bay Area counties.

KRON4 spoke to Dr. Aruna Subramanian infectious disease professor at Stanford.

Reporter: "With the rising cases in the Bay Area and the state, what is that telling you?”
Dr. Aruna Subramanian: "It means people are letting their guard down and even though we know masks work, we know we need to social distance, people are getting tired and letting their guard down."

Leaving state officials no other choice to issue an overnight curfew.

Dr. Subramanian says the new order will help reduce the amount of spread in bars, small spaces where people have to take their masks off to eat and drink.

We checked in with Gabby Agheli who owns Baci Bistro and Bar in Downtown Pleasanton.

Reporter: "Are you seeing crowds at all these days?"
Gabby Agheli: "Our rushes have been a lot less I think due to the weather so we realized that we are getting our last rush a little bit earlier around 8 o'clock whereas before it used to go past 10 pm for sure."

While challenging for business, Agheli supports the curfew.

"People have a drink or two and forget about social distancing so whatever we need to do to keep everyone safe that's important right now,” Agheli said.

With the holidays fast approaching, health experts are hoping people will take these COVID health orders seriously.

"We can't let covid fatigue take over us because we're going to pay for it. we're all going to suffer because of it,” Subramanian said. 

Bay Area counties have seen an uptick in COVID cases from Mothers Day, Fathers Day, graduation parties, and Halloween. The month-long curfew may extend if cases rise.

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