Sunday 29 November 2020

Wisconsin counties finish recount, confirms Biden’s win over Trump

(NewsNation Now) — The recount of presidential ballots in Wisconsin’s two largest counties finished Sunday, confirming that Democratic President-elect Joe Biden defeated President Donald Trump in the key swing state by more than 20,000 votes.

Dane County finished its recount on Sunday, according to the county clerk, a few days after Milwaukee County finished its. Each recount produced little change in the final breakdown of the more than 800,000 ballots cast in the state.

Biden lost 91 votes in the recount while Trump lost 46 votes, the Dane County Clerk said at a press conference Sunday.

Trump’s campaign paid $3 million for a recount of the two heavily Democratic counties: Milwaukee and Dane counties.

The latest on the presidential transition
Milwaukee County completed its recount of presidential ballots Friday, finding only small changes in vote totals. Biden’s lead increased by 132 votes after county election officials recounted over 450,000 votes. Trump had alleged alleged “mistakes and fraud” in the two counties, though he produced no evidence to back up his claims.

The recount needed to be done by Dec. 1.

Recounts are not automatic under Wisconsin law. But any losing candidate who is within 1 point of the winner can request one. The original count showed Trump lost by about six-tenths of a point, based on unofficial results. Candidates must pay for recounts if they are more than 0.25 points behind the winner.

Recounts in Wisconsin and across the country have historically resulted in very few vote changes. A 2016 presidential recount in Wisconsin netted Trump an additional 131 votes.

Wisconsin officials say Trump observers obstructing recount
Trump won Wisconsin by fewer than 23,000 votes that year and opposed the recount brought by Green Party candidate Jill Stein.

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