Monday 30 November 2020

Health officials fear of COVID-19 surge after holiday

OAKLAND, Calif. (KRON) - The Thanksgiving holiday is over, but health officials say now the fallout is in front of all of us.  

Top White House coronavirus task force officials issuing a warning to anyone that left home and ventured out, especially to long-distance places.  

“We're probably going to have a surge on top of a surge and we hope that one reached the tipping point in terms of beds available,” Dr. Peter Chin-Hong said. 

Dr. Peter Chin-Hong with UCSF and an infectious disease specialist addresses the fallout from the Thanksgiving holiday. 

While the CDC strongly recommended families not to socialize this year and stay at home, packed airports belied that advice.  

For example, at Oakland International Airport, 130,000 passengers traveled throughout the 4 day period.   

Travelers saying they felt safe making the journey but now health experts warning, those same travelers need to protect others by taking action. 

"It may incorporate testing so that you can isolate, you know quarantine for a fewer number of days. In other words, the longer you wait the more certain that the test you get is going to be a true negative rather than a false negative because people started turning positive about three or four days after exposure. If you want to wait by day seven, and then you get a test and it's negative, that could probably be the sweet spot of which you don't have to take the full 14-days," Chin-Hong said. 

Following the holiday, Santa Clara officials ordering all travelers to quarantine upon returning home and other Bay Area health officials throwing their support behind the idea as well. 

"So compared to about a month ago, we're about two and a half times higher numbers of hospitalizations right now, including in the ICU, so it's not a really rosy picture at all. And this week I'm on service of the inpatient setting and you know its, I think everyone's just bracing themselves," Chin-Hong said.

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