Monday 30 November 2020

Santa Clara County travelers must quarantine for 14-days

SANTA CLARA COUNTY, Calif. (KRON) - New health order restrictions in Santa Clara County are now in effect, impacting sports, businesses, and travelers.

The new health order means people are required to quarantine after traveling.

The Santa Clara County Public Health Department has issued a directive to local transit hubs, including San Jose International Airport, requiring returning travelers from a distance of 150-miles or more to self-quarantine for 14-days.

“Details of that directive is made available upon arrival of all passengers,” Scott Wintner said. 

The Deputy Director of the San Jose Airport Scott Wintner describes what to expect when you disembark the plane.

“It's a normal arrival process with the exception of the signage and receiving a copy of the order. Otherwise, there is nothing different about the experience,” Wintner said. 

The airport doesn't track the number of returning passengers, however, the travelers are down from this time last year.

“From the numbers that we got we can estimate that traffic is down about 75%,” Wintner said. 

Although officials from the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office say they expect voluntary compliance with the health order, deputies will respond to complaints. 

The Santa Clara County Public Health Department took it further in a statement reading in part:

"Although the County has enforcement teams and will be standing up additional enforcement resources, we will necessarily rely on every individual to comply with our orders and protect the health of the community."

Bay Area resident Mary Jung explains why there will be no need to enforce the quarantine on her when she arrives from Ohio later this week.

"Not only am I willing I have already made plans to do that. I have a friend that's picking me up. I am sitting in the back of her car. She is delivering me home with groceries and I expect not to leave my house for at least a week. If you care about your health, if you care about the health of the people you interact with, you will self-isolate and make sure you're okay,” Jung said. 

Health officials say the quarantine health order is a legal mandate -- failure to observe it could result in a financial fine.

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