Friday 27 November 2020

CHP ramps up enforcement through holiday weekend

SANTA CLARA COUNTY, Calif. (KRON) -- Urged to stay close to home amid the still surging pandemic, there was some beach traffic on Highway 17 on Friday.

Lots of people were out shopping for Christmas trees and Black Friday deals.

Since it's Thanksgiving holiday maximum enforcement period began Wednesday evening, the South Bay CHP has made five arrests for driving under the influence.

But even one DUI is one too many, says the CHP's Officer Ross Lee.

"If we have anybody who's out there and making the decision to drink and drive and put their lives and the lives of the general public and passengers, anybody on the line -- it's too much for us," Lee said.

It's not just drunk driving that has the CHP stepping up patrols statewide, they are also watching for distracted driving and speeding.

Traffic across the region has been relatively lighter than usual in recent days as a result of the pandemic. Between that and the recently imposed curfew in some places, less traffic has led to a tendency to drive a little faster says Officer Lee.

"With less traffic, cars are moving faster," Lee said. "So we want to remind people and be a visual presence out there to slow down."

Anecdotal evidence suggests more room on the road has also led to an uptick in reckless driving. The CHP is looking for that too, while helping motorists in need.

The maximum enforcement period ends at 11:59 p.m. Sunday night.

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