Thursday 10 March 2022

San Francisco woman desperate to help family who lost everything in Ukraine

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) - A San Francisco woman is desperate to help her family in Ukraine who have lost everything.

Iryna Gorb is from Kharkiv, Ukraine and her family lived there until Russian forces invaded the city two weeks ago and they woke up to the sound of explosions.

Thankfully, her family is now safe. It took them several days of hiding and driving to get to Western Ukraine, that's where her parents are currently staying while her sister has since made it to Italy.

While her family was holding out hope, unfortunately, they won't have a home to return to after Russian forces shelled their 16th story apartment building.

“So many things that are gone, not going to be replaced ever, so many beautiful things and it's my home where I grew up,” Iryna Gorb said.

Iryna Gorb is from Kharkiv, Ukraine but moved to the United States 11-years-ago and has been living in San Francisco for the past five. 

Her parents and sister stayed in Kharkiv until Feb. 24 when they awoke to the sound of explosions.

“Got a phone call from my parents and they said stay call, we're alright, it has started. The Russia is attacking Ukraine,” Gorb said.

Gorb says her parents and sister left almost immediately taking very little with them. 

She says they spent six days hiding in a village between Kharkiv and Poltava – That's when they found out what happened to their home. 

Gorb's parents sent her this video of their 16th story apartment building after the Russian military shelled the area.

“Heard from the neighbors that our apartment building got shelled. They also owned another apartment in a different building that they were renting out as a side business and that one got shelled too, so as of now they don't have a home anymore," Gorb said. "Feels like at this point the goal is just to destroy everything on their way because they've been shelling universities, hospitals, everything, residential neighborhoods, everything."

Gorb says she's also been in touch with some of her childhood friends who are still in Kharkiv, hiding in basements for shelter. 

Meanwhile, her parents have since made it to Western Ukraine and her sister fled to Italy. 

Gorb says she feels helpless watching Russian forces destroy her city from thousands of miles away and not knowing when it will end.

“People are being killed. People are losing their homes, lives, everything, it's a lot of anger, definitely," Gorb said.

As you can imagine, Gorb says it's been a lot to process these past couple of weeks and a lot of sleepless nights. 

She, like many of us, can't begin to understand what everyone over in Ukraine is experiencing.

Gorb started a GoFundMe page to help raise money to get her family in a new home, somewhere safe.

from KRON4

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