Wednesday 23 March 2022

Bay Area woman raising money for Ukraine refugees

LIVERMORE, Calif. (KRON) -- A Livermore resident has made a GoFundMe campaign to help Ukrainian refugees settle across the border.

Monica Binkney, who is Polish, is now living in Livermore. She moved from her home country to the U.S. 17 years ago.

Her campaign has resulted in more than $11,000 in donations from the public.

The money is going towards the purchase of food, clothing and supplies for those refugees.

"I feel the pain of the people of Ukraine in my bones," Binkney said.

Current funds have went towards medical supplies for a husband's turned militia of Ukrainian woman and children being cared for by Polish residents.

"We have been focusing on buying Band-Aids, buying antibiotics, buying wound-care products that stop bleeding," Binkney said.

Those residents are Binkney's friends, Marta Franielczyk and Tomek Osdarty - two Polish siblings.

Franielczyk and Osdarty partnered up with Binkney's efforts.

They are providing housing for refugees in Poland.

Franielczyk and Osdarty visit the border often to drop off supplies by the bus loads. They say the situation is dire.

"We have to provide them everything, but most important for us is to make them feel comfortable and safe," Franielczyk said.

The task is difficult for mothers with children who are worried about their partners fighting in Ukraine.

"You can't even imagine what's going on, and when you going on the border, I've seen the line during the night, it was -11 degrees Celsius, and there was a line 15 km, 25 people shoulder by shoulder, mostly of course, women and children, few of them froze," Osdarty said. "If you see things like that, you will never go back to the normal life."

The siblings say the situation in Ukraine is a sad reality for millions of people.

from KRON4

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