Monday 28 March 2022

Firefighters rescue man, kitten, bearded dragon

(BCN) - Santa Rosa firefighters rescued a man from the first-floor roof of a burning two-story home on Sunday evening.

They also rescued and resuscitated a kitten they found overcome by smoke and rescued a pet bearded dragon from the home.

Firefighters received multiple calls at 7:38 p.m. that the home at 3851 Lois Krohn Drive was on fire and someone was trapped on the roof. Firefighters arrived four minutes later and found black smoke coming from the front door and from windows on the second floor.

Officials said in a statement a young adult man was hanging on to a small, steep section of the first story roof. He had been forced out through a second story window by the heat and smoke. The firefighters from the first engine quickly raised a ladder and climbed up to rescue the victim, who wasn't injured.

Firefighters entered the home to look for more victims and found the family pets, both of which survived. No one else was inside, and the blaze was brought under control in 20 minutes. The structure had extensive heat and smoke damage throughout, estimated to be a $250,000 loss.

The cause of the fire, which is believed to be accidental, is still being investigated. Four people were displaced.

Copyright © 2022 Bay City News, Inc.

from KRON4

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