Thursday 31 March 2022

Artist turns Russian tanks into sign of hope

(KRON) -- A Bay Area artist is continuing to help Ukrainian artists struggling during the invasion by sharing their stories with the world.

One of his artist friends is turning signs of the invasion into masterpieces.

"Max is a really good story of someone who hasn't put down a paint brush and picked up a gun," said Bay Area artist John Doyle. "So he's found that the most beautiful canvas is an enemy BMP, which is the Russian tank that he has painted."

While many people in Ukraine are choosing to join the military and fight to protect their county, artist Max Kilderov is taking a different approach.

Kilderov lives in Nova Kakhovka -- the town has been occupied by Russian troops since Feb. 24.

His friend and fellow artist John Doyle says Kilderov created resistance art on this tank when local art stores ran out of canvases.

"It's an amazing opportunity to to provide moral to tell the people and community that culture is not lost," Doyle said.

Doyle is from the Bay Area but temporarily moved to the United Kingdom to try and raise awareness and money for Ukrainian artists -- doing all they can to help their country.

"They are fundraising and selling digital postcards and NFTs of his painted tanks to provide food and medicine that happen to be delivered by priests because the Russian troops won't shoot at them while doing so," Doyle said.

75% of the profits from the sales goes directly to buying supplies.

Doyle says another group of his artist friends choose a different route.

Artist from the Module Club, which is an arts venue in Ukraine, have joined the armed forces.

They've created a patch and are selling it to supporters to try and purchase more bulletproof vests and ammunition to continue their fight.

"Everybody is scrambling around and trying to figure out constructive ways to help their communities at this time," Doyle said.

A link to Kilderov's art can be seen here.

from KRON4

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