Wednesday 16 March 2022

Business prepare for St. Patrick's Day rush

NOVATO, Calif. (KRON) -- Bay Area restaurants and bars are preparing for St. Patrick's Day celebrations since pandemic shutdowns.

The Moylan Brewery in Novato is expecting their bar to be busy Thursday evening after operating with limited staff and hours since the pandemic.

"So excited," manager Melissa Schwartz said. "We can't wait to have all our regulars back and all the people that come in to party with us. It's the biggest party of the year and the best corned beef."

The start of the pandemic caused workers to operate under new health restrictions.

In March 2020, Marin county imposed the first stay at home orders one day before the holiday festivities.

Masks or proof of vaccination are not required at the bar, says Schwartz.

"On top of everything, everything is cleaned and sanitized," Schwartz added. "All the people are so happy not to wear masks. All I hear all day is it's so nice to see faces again and be able to have contact and it just feels so good to be back."

San Francisco Health Officer Dr. Susan Philip says health orders have changed due to high vaccination rates and fewer COVID-19 cases.

She cautions people should still wearing masks indoors, but is comfortable with people making their own decisions.

"Individual people have different levels of comfort," Philip said. "They know their own situations in terms of health. They know who they're living with at home and so we really want to empower people to make those decisions for themselves."

Staff at Moylan Brewery say this will be the busiest days of the year with orders easing up in Marin County.

from KRON4

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