Tuesday 1 March 2022

Men harass, threaten Nevada governor and first lady at Vegas restaurant

LAS VEGAS (KLAS) – A man put his arm around Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak before insulting and threatening him in a video recorded Sunday night inside a Las Vegas restaurant.

The unidentified man approached Sisolak and his wife, first lady Kathy Ong, in an apparent attempt to get a photo with the governor inside Lindo Michoacan restaurant. And then the scene turned into something entirely different.

The self-described "patriot" leveled a profanity-laced tirade at Sisolak – who he calls a "punk" and a "new world traitor" – that appeared to largely center around the COVID-19 pandemic.

He repeatedly asked Sisolak where his security detail was and why he was out in public without it. At one point, the man says Sisolak is "in trouble."

As a second man joins in taunting Sisolak, the governor decides to leave the restaurant with his wife.

"Wait till we find all the money that flowed his way," the second man can be heard saying. "Yeah, hiding the hydroxychloroquine."

The two men exit behind them and continue shouting insults. The first man accuses Sisolak of being a traitor and working for China.

“We should string you up by a lamppost right now,” the man screams. “You know what they do to traitors? They hang traitors.”

The Governor's Office released a statement Monday:

While walking through a local restaurant on Sunday to have dinner with his wife and one of his daughters, the Governor was approached by a customer in the establishment who asked to take a photo with him. The Governor often greets Nevadans in public with a quick handshake, conversation or a picture – talking to Nevadans is one of the Governor’s favorite parts of his job.

He is deeply disappointed in how this incident unfolded, particularly with the language used to talk about First Lady Kathy Sisolak’s heritage. We can disagree about the issues, but the personal attacks and threats are unwarranted, unwelcome and unbecoming behavior for Nevadans.

The Governor works on behalf of all Nevadans – even those who disagree with him – and he will continue to do so. He appreciates the professionalism shown by the restaurant employees and looks forward to continuing to support Nevada’s small businesses and their employees. The Governor has always and will always encourage Nevadans to be kind to one another.

The Governor’s Office will have no further comment on this incident as there is an ongoing investigation.

Meghin Delaney, spokesperson for Governor's Office

Nevada State Police issued a statement that they are aware of the incident and an investigation has been opened. “Due to the ongoing status of the investigation, further information cannot be provided at this time,” said spokesperson Yoko Kim Smith. Metro police deferred all inquiries to Nevada State Police.

Nevada Republican Party chairman Michael J. McDonald described the violent threats against Sisolak as "uncalled for" and issued the following statement:

“There is no place for the behavior and violent threats against the Governor we saw on that video from this weekend. I spoke out when Democrats like Maxine Waters encouraged this behavior against Republicans in public and I am speaking out now after this unnecessary and uncalled for attack on Governor Sisolak and his family in public. To all Nevadans frustrated with the governor, the time and place to take out your frustrations will be in November at the ballot box by electing our Republican nominee, not in a restaurant as he sits down for a meal with his wife and children.”

Michael J. McDonald, Nevada Republican Party chairman

Joey Gilbert, a GOP candidate for governor, refused to condemn the confrontation.

"Hell no I do not condemn it," Gilbert, a Reno attorney, wrote in a Facebook post. "You earned it Steve. You absolutely earned it."

Javier Barajas, the owner of Lindo Michoacan, the restaurant where the confrontation took place released a statement against the tirade:

"In the 32 years I've been in business I've never once told any client to 'get out of here!' Regardless of your political stance I believe EVERYONE should be treated with respect. People are allowed to disagree with everything that's going on in the the world right now, we should all stride to be better Nevadans and respect one another."

Javier Barajas, owner of Lindo Michoacan

from KRON4 https://ift.tt/ZjagYPG

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