Monday, 26 October 2020

PG&E: All customers to have power restored by Tuesday night

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) - More than 156,000 PG&E customers have had their power restored as of Monday night, according to the utility.

PG&E announced that by Tuesday night all remaining customers are expected to have their power turned back on.

About 345,000 customers across California were impacted by the Public Safety Power Shutoff Sunday night, including residents in eight Bay Area counties.

On Monday night, crews inspected power lines and restored power to areas where there was no damage or hazards.

A statement released by the utility said:

"Today, PG&E meteorologists issued a weather “all clear” for most of the areas impacted by this PSPS event. To fully restore service, PG&E crews will need to complete their patrols of over 17,000 miles of transmission and distribution lines for damage or hazards"

The restoration process includes:

  1. Patrol – PG&E crews look for potential weather-related damage to the lines, poles and towers. This is done by foot, vehicle and air.
  2. Repair – Where equipment damage is found, PG&E crews isolate the damaged area from the rest of the system so other parts of the system can be energized.
  3. Restore – Once the system is safe to energize, PG&E's Control Center can complete the process and restore power to affected areas.
  4. Notify Customers – Customers are notified that power has been restored.

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