Wednesday 28 October 2020

FBI investigates graffiti found on Lafayette home

LAFAYETTE, Calif. (KRON) - The FBI is involved in a possible hate crime investigation. A Lafayette family discovered a swastika and the word "Trump" spray-painted on their home.

A family's home defaced with graffiti now boarded up.

The victim's sharing a photo of the vandalism on social media. A swastika and the word "Trump" found spray-painted on their garage door.

The discovery reported to the police department Tuesday morning.

"It's just sad that this is happening," Rosa Cardenas said. 

Rosa Cardenas and her husband Mike Munnelly live nearby. Both believe the vandalism was politically motivated.

The victims are overt about their support for the Black Lives Matter movement, posters, and flags touting former Vice President Joe Biden and his running mate Senator Kamala Harris to win the presidential election are also visible on the property.

"In fact, I had a Biden-Harris sign, and I got it was stolen from my property which is not too far from here," Munnelly said. 

Mayor Mike Anderson issued a statement about the graffiti saying, ‘There is no place for hate in Lafayette. This is an inclusive and diverse city where everyone is welcome.’

He goes on to say this act will not be overlooked and will be vigorously prosecuted.

"Makes me glad to hear that they're really looking into it, and people are taking it seriously," Shari Bashin-Sullivan said. 

Shari Bashin-Sullivan works nearby and lives in Orinda. She says vandals etched a swastika on her front door in the past. She feels for the victims.

"I can't imagine that it would be anything less than absolutely horrifying," Bashin-Sullivan said. 

The victims are encouraging people to denounce hate by voting.

The Lafayette Police Department says it has reached out to the FBI for help with its investigation.

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