Friday 30 October 2020

Contra Costa County to use mobile polling stations on Election Day

CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, Calif. (KRON) - It's a voting booth on wheels that will be used to alleviate voters waiting in long lines. 

These mobile polling stations will also be used as back-up on Election Day. 

They are rolling out a pair of election mobile trailers in Contra Costa County as preparation for Election Day continues.

"We call it a voter mobile. It is a trailer that we're going to have outfitted to support our polling places,” Debi Cooper said. 

The Clerk-Recorder-Registrar of Contra Costa County Debi Cooper says these red white and blue voter mobiles will be used as back up resources just in case something happens that impacts voting at a stationary polling location.

"In case of an emergency, one of the reasons we got them is because of the issues we have been having with PSPS power shutoffs. So we are able to bring it in, in case something dramatic happens. We can take it to an evacuation site or to a place that didn't have power. They're generator run power. We will be able to set up and still offer voting to our voters,” Cooper said. 

COVID-19 health and safety measures are in place whether you're voting inside a polling station or outside at the election trailer

"We want people out there to be safe. Voters to be safe. Our staff out there in the field to be safe. When you walk into your polling place there is going to be a sanitation table. That covers everything from facemasks. Sanitizer washing your hands. We have sneeze guards to protect our staff from the voters. We do require 6-feet distance," Contra Costa County Elections Processing Supervisor Rosa Mena said. 

Funding for the election trailer was made possible by a grant from the nonprofit center for tech and civic life. 

Over 50% of voters in Contra Costa County have already voted. Cooper says the back-up trailers could not have come at a better time and will be at the ready to help process an anticipated influx of ballots expected between now and Election Day.

"It's crazy. It's been a solid stream of people coming to our office and dropping off ballots. We have never seen turn out like this,” Cooper said.

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