Friday 30 October 2020

Bay Area native, pregnant ESPN reporter fires back at troll

SAN FRANCISCO, Ca. (KRON) - An ESPN reporter and Bay Area native is catching national attention after firing back at an online troll.

Molly McGrath wrote a post on Instagram after someone on Twitter made a comment about her pregnant body.

The Burlingame, CA native covers college basketball and football for ESPN.

"It's worth it to do the hard work because the job is just so much fun and there's no where else I'd rather be," said McGrath.

McGrath devotes her week to prepping and then traveling to games where she spends hours on her feet working each broadcast.

This season on top of the usual demands, she's dealing with the body changes that come with pregnancy.

"Women in sports work just as hard if not harder than the men, especially when they're balancing a career and a family and creating a life. I think they deserve more respect than someone making a comment about their appearance," said McGrath.

McGrath says a mean comment by a Twitter troll after a game led her to create a powerful Instagram post, writing that she is proud to be a pregnant woman working full time.

"I was exhausted, in pain, and I said gosh I can't believe that I just did all that and I just worked my butt off and someone only noticed the way that I look. That is so discouraging. Why is that the expectation? Women aren’t there to be eyecandy or a prop or an accessory," said McGrath.

McGrath says she's been overwhelmed by the response, and support, especially from women in the industry.

She hopes to pay it forward with this message for other young women and girls.

"The days of women being the sole caregiver and being in the kitchen and working at home, those days are over. Just because of a pandemic women shouldn't accept that as their reality. I want other women to know that they can have it all too. They can find a way to have a successful career and find a way to have a family," said McGrath.

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