Saturday 31 October 2020

'Get out and vote': Early voting tips

SANTA CLARA COUNTY, Calif. (KRON) - Santa Clara County is offering new resources to make sure people can get to their early voting location to cast their ballot.

"Get out and vote," said Santa Clara County resident Kimberly Rivera.

Levi's Stadium will be one of 100 voting centers in Santa Clara County, along with 98 drop box locations. Additional locations include the Chase Center and the Oakland Coliseum.

Map: Where to drop off your ballot

“Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority “ is helping people find polling locations with a new interactive feature on its transit app, which can be found in the app store. You can download it from the Apple iTunes store or from the Google Play store.

  • Zoom in and a checkmark appears at each of the 100 voting centers
  • Locations are throughout Santa Clara County.
  •  When touching a checkmark on the screen, the information pops up
  • It includes an option for directions on how to find a polling place

California allows people to vote during work on Election Day

This will be a historic and Bay Area counties are stepping up to provide as many resources as possible.

However you choose to vote, make sure not to miss any deadlines: Polls close at 8 p.m. on November 3, and your early ballots should be at your county election offices well before then.

>> More voting resources at Your Local Election Headquarters

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