Tuesday 21 June 2022

Elon Musk's child plans to change name, cut ties with magnate dad, reports say

(KTLA) - One of Elon Musk's children has expressed a desire to change her name and sever ties to her billionaire father.

Musk's child, who was formerly known as 18-year-old Xavier Alexander Musk, said in a Los Angeles County Superior Court filing she is also changing her gender identity from male to female, Reuters reports.

The April filing came one day after the teenager turned 18, reported the Los Angeles Times, which identified Musk's child as Vivian Jenna Wilson.

Now a legal adult, Wilson said she no longer wants anything to do with her businessman dad, who heads Tesla, SpaceX and potentially Twitter.

"I no longer live with or wish to be related to my biological father in any way, shape or form," Wilson said in the filing.

Musk has seven children, two with the musician Grimes and five with Wilson's mother, the writer Justine Wilson, the Times reported. He and Wilson also lost a 10-week-old son to sudden infant death syndrome, Yahoo reported.

Musk, a frequent Twitter user, has not publicly addressed Wilson's decision, though he did acknowledge Father's Day on Sunday.

"I love all my kids so much," he tweeted.

from KRON4 https://ift.tt/OuSMCUY

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