Friday 24 June 2022

Roe v. Wade protests held across Bay Area

(KRON) -- After the Supreme Court announced on Friday morning that it had overturned Roe v. Wade, protestors took to the streets across the Bay Area. Areas where there were protests include Oakland, San Jose, San Mateo and multiple places in San Francisco.

About 100 people gathered near the Ferry Building in San Francisco. Protestors demanded the ability to choose to have an abortion and pledged to fight for reproductive rights.

"I am a physician," one protestor told KRON4. "There are many reasons why a woman would need an abortion.  It is a matter of healthcare, and these conservatives don’t care or help when after a baby is born banning welfare or other ways to help once a baby is born."

A sign at the protest read “I hope someday women have more rights than guns." The sign is in reference to the Supreme Court's decision earlier in the week to block a New York law banning carrying weapons in public.

“We just found out with the court and guns, and that they are more important than a woman’s right. California is a safe haven, but we have to speak up to have our voices heard,” another protestor said. 

Earlier in June, the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors supported giving more aid to Planned Parenthood to protect access to reproductive choices. Citizens protested in San Mateo on Friday.

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Protests are expected to continue throughout the weekend.

from KRON4

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