Wednesday 15 June 2022

Martial arts instructor charged with sexually assaulting a minor

SAN JOSE, Calif. (KRON) - San Jose police say a man who ran an after-school program at an elementary school is behind bars tonight. Officers say he was arrested for multiple charges related to child sexual assault.

KRON4 has spoken to several people as they walked by Trace Elementary. When explaining to them about the man arrested for sexual assault of a minor and his connection with the school they decribed the story as shocking, disgusting, and awful.

The San Jose Police Department has arrested Ernest Ramirez for multiple charges related to aggravated sexual assaults of a minor.

"An incident like this is very traumatic for a young person," Sergeant Christian Camarillo said at a press conference.

Police say Ramirez met the victim at an after school program at Trace Elementary. The victim attended the after-school program between August 2020 and June 2021.

Police say that's where the sexual assaults happened. "We fully anticipate that there may be many others”, Sergeant Camarillo reported.

Police say they believe there are more victims. Ramirez also owns and operates Extreme Martial Arts, a studio on Elm street.

Sergeant Camarillo said, "that has been in existence for over 20 years so we can imagine how many contacts he's had with young people in those 20 years."

KRON4 spoke to one man that lives near the school, he says these situations are hard. "All you can do is pray for them and get them help. that's it," he said.

Police are asking if anyone knows of more incidents of abuse, to come forward. "Someone like this is an absolute predator. We are glad he's in jail," Sergeant Camarillo said. 

Police say there are no statutes of limitations on crimes like this one. So if something happened last week or 20 years ago, it's still valid.

from KRON4

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