Wednesday 27 January 2021

San Francisco Mayor criticizes school board decision to rename schools

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) - In a 6-1 decision, the San Francisco Unified School District Board of Education voted in favor of a resolution to further the process of renaming over 40 public schools.

San Francisco Mayor London Breed is among those questioning the timing of the Board of Education voting on this resolution.

However the Board President stands firm on the decision.

In the Spring of 2018, the Board of Education passed a resolution to establish a blue ribbon panel to review San Francisco Public School names.

They recommended changing the names of 46 campuses.

The School Board President released a statement in favor of the decision that reads in part

“This resolution came to the School Board in the wake of the attacks in Charlottesville, and we are working alongside the rest of the country to dismantle symbols of racism and white supremacy culture. I am excited about the ideas schools will come up with.”

However, San Francisco Mayor London Breed is not so excited. Her statement reads:

"What I cannot understand is why the school board is advancing a plan to have all these schools renamed by April when there isn’t a plan to have our kids back in the classroom by then. Our students are suffering, and we should be talking about getting them in classrooms, getting them mental health support, and getting them the resources they need in this challenging time."

The resolution does not change the names or remove the names right now. It only serves as the board's commitment to replace the names before the end of the school year.

from KRON4

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