Friday 29 January 2021

Educators push back on California's reopening plan

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KRON) -- Governor Gavin Newsom appeared frustrated as his school reopening plan for California is now stalling -- two weeks before he hoped to get young students back to school.

In a live streamed YouTube event that was originally offline Thursday, the governor told a group of school administrators if they're waiting for perfect circumstances to reopen, they might as well be honest with California families and tell them they won't resume in person instruction for the rest of the academic year.

That video was put back online Friday.

This was in a virtual conversation with the Association of California School Administrators, a group representing thousands of superintendents and principals across the state.

Over the last couple of weeks we've heard from lawmakers, teachers and school district leaders who've expressed a long list of concerns with the governor's swift school reopening plan.

This plan targeted in person instruction to start rolling out for younger students in mid-February, providing money for regular testing, contact tracing and PPE.

But analysts have noted this doesn't provide enough resources to public health departments or local governments to actually make this work.

The California Teacher's Association sent a letter this week to the governor saying teachers should be vaccinated before they return for in person instruction -- and Newsom's administration has yet to released a detailed plan for that.

In this live streamed virtual event on YouTube, with association of school administrators -- Newsom was asked about this and other concerns with his plan.

"If everybody has to be vaccinated, we might as well just tell people the truth: there will be no in person instruction in the state of California," he said. "Just tell them the truth. I mean I -- don't mislead people, based upon what we know today."

The governor has not responded for our request for comment.

from KRON4

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