Friday 29 January 2021

East Bay teachers caution against resuming in-person instruction

CONCORD, Calif. (KRON) - Teachers are cautioning against reopening schools in the coming weeks.

The Mount Diablo Unified School District has committed to continuing full-distance learning at least through March.

Teachers and staff within the Mount Diablo Education Association are supportive. Some going a step further.

"I can't speak to whether or not school is going to reopen this year. I can speak to whether or not I think it should, and I do not think schools should reopen this year," Rosie Reid said. 

Rosie Reid is an English teacher at Ygnacio Vally High School in Concord.

“Until our teachers have been vaccinated and had both doses, and been able to quarantine for two weeks after that, that seems like an essential first point to give teachers the peace of mind to go back to the classroom," Reid said. 

Prior to the recently lifted regional shelter-in-place order, the Oakland Unified School District announced in-person instruction may have resumed this month.

However, case and positivity rates spiked and schools cannot welcome students back on campus while Alameda County is the state's restrictive purple tier.

“Parents need to think about the admin and the teachers in the schools, and how this might affect them and their families and their friends,” Victoria Carpenter said. 

In a letter written to Governor Gavin Newsom, the California Teachers Association stressed that low community transmission rates, a strong public health infrastructure, and layered prevention measures within schools that are effectively maintained, tracked, and enforced are the path forward.

All criteria, teachers say, have not been fully met.

from KRON4

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