Wednesday 27 January 2021

CA lawmakers may require largest companies to publicly report carbon emissions

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KRON) - California lawmakers are proposing a mandate on the largest corporations doing business in California requiring them to report their carbon emissions.

"We're in a race against the clock when it comes to climate change," State Senator Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, said. 

State Senator Scott Wiener unveiling a proposal to require California’s biggest businesses to publicly report their carbon emissions.

The bill, SB260, would require publicly traded and privately held domestic corporations making more than $1 billion a year to report emissions from power and electricity use, along with energy used on non-core functions like supply chains and employee commutes.

It would also require these companies to set targets to lower their emissions.

"Frankly many of these companies internally already track their emissions, so just to be clear we're talking about multi-billion dollar companies that have detailed reporting on their financials,” co-director of Carbon Accountable Michael Schmitz said. 

Lawmakers estimate about 5,000 companies would be required to provide this information, including companies like Walmart, Amazon, and Google.

If passed, companies would need to start reporting the information by 2024 and setting the target emission goals by 2025.

Lawmakers say they anticipate pushback from some in the business community who might argue this would add another regulatory hurdle.

"I don't view this as an unreasonable ask, to not have catastrophic climate impacts. We're seeing this in the business world. There are more and more companies moving in this direction, not quickly enough and not doing enough, so we need to set up a structure here,” Wiener said. 

The proposal now waits to be assigned to a committee at the capitol. No hearing is scheduled on this yet.

from KRON4

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