Saturday 13 January 2024

Oakland protestors stage early-morning occupation of port in opposition to U.S. Aid to Israel

(KRON) -- Protesters gathered at the Port of Oakland at 5 a.m. on early morning on Saturday to demand an end to the United States' support of Israel's actions in Palestine.

More than 1000 people confirmed attendance to the protest's morning portion, according to event media contact Wassim Hage. Organizers expect a few thousand protestors to join their occupation of the port in the afternoon. According to Hage, the group began planning the event late last week.

In a press release from the protestors the Executive Director of the Arab Resource and Organizing Center, Lara Kiswani, explained why the Port of Oakland was an area of protest.

"Every day, around $12 million in revenue is generated at the Port of Oakland. This is nearly the same amount of money that the US sends to Israel per day in economic and military aid," said Kiswani. "The Oakland port has facilitated the transport of weapons, military equipment, and technology that fuel the Israeli genocide of Palestinians. As long as the US enables this war with our tax dollars and through our port, there can be no business as usual.” 

The port does not open until 9 a.m.

In a 6:40 a.m. call, security for the port said they were not yet aware of a protest this morning.

Bay City News contributed to this article.

from KRON4

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