Saturday 6 January 2024

New California gun law on concealed carry blocked by judge once again

(FOX40.COM) -- A California law forbidding residents of the state from carrying guns in most public spaces has once again been blocked from taking effect. At least for now.

On Saturday, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against last week's decision to allow the law to temporarily go into effect in 2024.

Video Above: California concealed carry weapons law to go into effect, judge rules

Signed by Governor Gavin Newsom in September, the law known as SB2 would have banned Californians, including those with concealed carry weapons permits, or CCWs, from carrying firearms in 26 types of public places such as parks, sports stadiums, hospitals, and houses of worship.

The law also implements new guidelines for Californians seeking to obtain a concealed carry weapons permit, including a requirement to be at least 21 years old, provide character references, and go through a background check.

The latest ruling allows that portion of SB2 to remain in effect, but not the other part of the law, which forbids Californians from carrying guns in most public places.

The newest ruling comes amid a back-and-forth in court over the last several weeks. On Dec. 20, U.S. District Judge Cormac Carney ruled against SB2, arguing it is “repugnant to the 2nd amendment.”

Then, just last week, an appeals court overturned that decision allowing the law to go into effect. But that was shortlived ahead of Saturday's ruling.

Governor Newsom has long backed SB2, arguing it will make California safer. On Saturday, the Governor's Office made it clear that the latest ruling is not final and they will appeal.

In a statement, Newsom's office said "This dangerous decision puts the lives of Californians on the line. We won't stop working to defend our decades of progress on gun safety in our state."

from KRON4

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