Tuesday 19 December 2023

San Francisco businessman faces multiple break-ins in a matter of days

SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) – One San Francisco business owner has become the victim of three crimes in just over a week. He says first his car was broken into  -- followed by two of his businesses.

Ken Lowe says he’s fortunate that the thefts were relatively small and didn’t disrupt operations, but after nearly 30 years of owning businesses in the city, he says this is a disturbing trend.

On Saturday, Dec. 9, Lowe woke up to his car broken into in a parking lot near California and Fillmore Streets. Then on Thursday, thieves stole about $5,000 worth of supplies from his sushi bar, Ace Wasabi, in the Marina District.

But based on the security video Lowe doesn’t believe they targeted the restaurant. The business shares an alleyway with Apple, and he believes the thieves first tried to break into Apple but failed.

“They stumbled across our store and broke in, entered and wiped out two freezers filled with fish and meat,” Lowe said.

Finally, on Sunday, he got a call from police. He thought they were following up on the Ace Wasabi break-in, but it was a new crime.

“When they said my other restaurant Pinsa Rossa got broken into, I was flabbergasted. I wasn’t angry, I was amazed,” Lowe said.

The suspect stole the register with only $5 inside. Lowe is convinced this was another random crime because the burglar could have stolen something with more value.

Lowe says police are investigating, but he wonders if anything will happen after the people get caught.

“Do we really want to live in a society where there’s no accountability and you’re not punished for doing something bad? I hope we get to the point where leaders will start punishing people who are stealing from people,” Lowe said. 

Lowe says he’s not letting this experience discourage him and he’s still proud to be a San Francisco business owner.

from KRON4 https://ift.tt/wZNU178

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