Wednesday 6 December 2023

Alameda County supervisors ask Oakland A's to pay for Coliseum

(KRON) -- Last month, Oakland A’s owner John Fisher said Major League Baseball’s decision to greenlight his request to move the team was a great day for Las Vegas. Now, Fisher is being asked to pay up.

"My hope is we get a check for $45 million, the final payment as soon as possible," said Alameda County Supervisor David Haubert.

Haubert says by moving out of Oakland, the A’s have sped up the timeline for paying the county for their 50% ownership in the coliseum -- meaning instead of having their final payment in 2026, they must pay that final $45 million in 180 days.

"Our staff will be sending a note to the a’s organization apprising them of our reading of the situation and asking them to respond," Haubert said.

"I think it begins the pinball machine of okay, now we're getting real, because this is all about money and what do you need half of the coliseum for," said former A's executive Andy Dolich. "Other than a negotiating tactic against us? The city and the county, when you've told us you're out of here."

Andy Dolich served as Executive Vice President and Vice President of Business Operations for the Oakland A’s from 1980 to 1994 when Walter Haas owned the team. Dolich says up to now, Fisher has had the upper hand.

However, now that the county is playing hardball, some deal could be worked out where Fisher gives up his 50% share in the Coliseum, which could expedite the development of the property.

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"Those 150-some-odd acres are an absolute jewel in the Bay Area for development of any type that you could possibly imagine. That should not be under the control of John Fisher and to a certain extent, Major League baseball in any way, shape or form," Dolich said.

from KRON4

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