Thursday 23 March 2023

Storm destroys Taj Mahal houseboat in Sausalito

SAUSALITO, Calif. (KRON) – An iconic houseboat in Sausalito that looks like the Taj Mahal was destroyed in the latest storm. Its owner tells us that the houseboat is now sinking. 

The boat keeper wrote on Instagram, saying they are going to have to demolish it. Boat owners in that Marina are devastated to hear it’ll be gone soon. 

"Yeah it makes me sad,” said Alain Poulenard, a boat owner in Sausalito. “It attracts a lot of tourists and good energy so it's sad to see that happen."

The Taj Mahal is a three-story houseboat that was built in the 1970s. It has been floating at the end of a dock in Sausalito, serving as a private residence and​ a tourist attraction.

Now it can be seen sinking with four feet of water inside after Tuesday’s storm brought choppy waves, heavy rain, and intense wind gusts.

“I have a boat here on a dock, six slips away from the Taj Mahal. So I look at it every day. I'm distraught,” Poulenard said.

He said he spoke with the boat keeper about how the beloved houseboat flooded.

"It has windows a couple feet above sea level and they broke… and that's how the water came in,” he said.

Poulenard says he’s upset to hear that the floating Taj Mahal isn’t salvageable.

"I'm almost furious,” he said. “I mean, they can raise a submarine, and they can't do that. That's beyond comprehension for me."

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KRON4 spoke with the family that lives there on the phone. They say they are okay and grateful for all the support from the community.

The family is working on getting belongings out of the house. They said there is no way to lift it out and restore it, and the only way is to demolish the beloved Taj Mahal houseboat. 

The community in Sausalito and online is saying they are ready to rally behind them to make sure it gets restored.

from KRON4

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