Monday 20 March 2023

Stonestown Mall brawls overwhelm security, result in injuries

SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) -- Large scale physical altercations between groups of what appear to be school age teenagers have been breaking out at Stonestown Mall lately, according to Supervisor Myrna Melgar who represents District 7 where the mall is located. Melgar said the mall's private security has been overwhelmed by the fights and that officers with the San Francisco Police Department have been deployed.

Videos of the fights have been "posted and promoted" on social media, Melgar added in a Twitter thread about the incidents. Melgar said that the mall has increased security as a result of the fights and that the SFPD Taraval Station would be increasing patrols to the area.

The supervisor also said she would be speaking with the San Francisco Unified School District to address the brawls, which have been occurring during afterschool hours, particularly on Wednesdays, which are early release days.

One video of the brawls posted to social media shows a group of teens attacking one single teenager and punching and kicking him while other kids trail behind recording the violence on their smartphones.

The fights at the mall have resulted in physical injuries, according to Melgar, who advised parents to "be aware," and "monitor your kid's social media and follow what they are doing."

from KRON4

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