Saturday 30 July 2022

Senators Padilla, Feinstein request California get more monkeypox vaccines

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KTXL) — A request for more monkeypox vaccines was made on Friday by California Senators Alex Padilla and Dianne Feinstein. 

The request was sent to Health And Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, and it asked for at least 600,000 more doses. The request is being made just after federal officials announced nearly 800,000 doses would be made available for states. 

According to the joint statement, California’s positivity rate for monkeypox is the second highest in the country. 

“The Senators are urging that California receives a proportionate amount of doses to match the severity of the outbreak in the state,” the statement says. 

Padilla and Feinstein cited the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic as a reason for needing the vaccines, saying “limited testing and vaccine availability early in a public health crisis is a recipe for disaster.”

They also cite California as having the first major city, San Francisco, to declare a state of emergency over monkeypox. San Francisco reported its first case of monkeypox on June 3, and as of July 28, there were 281 cases reported.

In Sacramento County, there were 43 cases reported as of Friday. The first case of monkeypox in Sacramento county was reported on May 24, and it was related to someone who returned to the United States from Europe.

For those who want a vaccine, Sacramento County is providing them to people in the county that meet certain criteria: men who have sex with men and/or transgender people who meet one or more of the following circumstances:

  • Tested positive for an STI in the past two months
  • Had two or more sexual partners in the last three weeks
  • Attended or worked at a commercial sex venue in the last three weeks
  • Had anonymous sex in the past three weeks
  • Engaged in sex work in the past three weeks

from KRON4

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