Monday 25 July 2022

More supervisors call for Ann Hsu to step down

SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) -- More members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors are calling for Board of Education member Ann Hsu to step down. These calls come after she made comments about Black and brown students that have been called racist. 

President of the Board of Supervisors, Shamann Walton, was the first supervisor to call for Ann Hsu's resignation from the Board of Education. He says he was on the board of education himself and he felt strongly that he had to do something, "If you don't believe in their family dynamic, you don't think that their families are pushing them to be successful, you should not be in that roll,” he said of Hsu’s comments.

In a questionnaire from a parent organization called “SF Parent Action” Hsu said that Black and brown students do not perform as well as others due to a "lack of family support, unstable family environments, and lack of parental encouragement to focus on or value learning."

“I definitely think that she should resign,” Walton told KRON4. Before Walton was elected supervisor, he was previously on the Board of Education. He also says growing up, he experienced comments like Hsu's.

"It's unfortunate growing up as a young black man and growing up going to the pre-k through 12 system here in California. I've definitely heard some disheartening comments from adults and that's unfortunate," Walton said. 

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Hsu has since apologized and said, “I am committed to listening, learning and growing as a person." 

But Walton says it’s too late for that, "The time to learn cultural sensitivity, the time to learn about being anti racist is not while you're serving on the Board of Education."

Several other supervisors have followed in asking for Hsu to resign. Walton finds that encouraging. Hsu was appointed by Mayor London Breed to the Board of Education after three members were recalled. 

Walton says that may not have allowed the public time to properly vet her, "There's something about having to run for office and having to get in front of community organizations. Having to get in front of all types of parent groups, going to debates and having conversations about all issues," he said.

from KRON4

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