Thursday 28 July 2022

Police creating policy to prevent repeat burglaries in SF

SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) -- When someone smashed the glass front door of the Black Cat jazz club early Tuesday morning, burglars walked right in and helped themselves to food alcohol and musical instruments. That stopped when police arrived.

When repeated attempts to reach the owner were unsuccessful, police called the fire department to cover the door. Owners say they used a curtain and three pieces of tape.

That was good enough for police, and they left the scene. The problem is over the next five hours, burglars easily reentered the club by pushing through the taped cloth and ransacked the place again.

"There's a museum across the street from us would they have just left the museum wide open for people to just go in and steal everything. I doubt it. So it's just disheartening to see that on our side," said Black Cat Director of Operations Adam Chapman.

On Wednesday, police told KRON4 news “officers at the scene acted within policy.” But now, police have confirmed “SFPD is currently working on creating policy that better addresses incidents like these.”

"The police chief is saying that they're going to change that policy. And now, they have policies or they will have policies in place to follow up on a business that's not secure," Chapman said. "They'll go back in control. Make sure everything's okay."

Chapman says the club’s owner spoke directly with SFPD Chief Bill Scott and was told of the policy change

"Any type of changes good," Chapman said. "Still, the system it's still there of like why is it the police station that's a walk away from us not got our backs -- regardless if there's a policy at play or not."

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Chapman says the club has given police additional numbers, so they can reached if this happens again. They’re also installing a burglar alarm with a stroke light and siren on the outside of their building

"So the police station that's a block away, there's no way that they cant hear it or see it," Chapman said.

from KRON4

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