Tuesday 26 April 2022

Vallejo youth league van recovered 1 month later

VALLEJO, Calif. (KRON) -- The van stolen from the Coach Sarna League last month is back in the league's possession.

League founder Ryan Sarna says the van was located a few blocks from where the non-profit youth flag football league plays its games.

It was recovered by the Solano County Sheriff's office just a few weeks after it was stolen from a car dealership last month.

The van was awaiting a catalytic converter replacement, which was stolen before it was originally donated to the league.

"The fact that they were able to find it, and we do have it back in our possession now, albeit it needs to be fixed is a blessing," Sarna said.

Sarna says the repairs will total at least $8,000. Fortunately, the community has raised nearly $5,000 to help out.

The Vallejo police activities league and the service organization the Native Sons of the Golden West have also partnered to donate a second van to the youth league.

"It's an older van. Its the one behind me, but we're really happy to have it," the founder added.

Both vans will be used to transport kids and equipment to and from games. This month, the co-ed league launched it's second season serving low-income youth, and will run for ten weeks.

from KRON4 https://ift.tt/UJsTSaD

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