Thursday 14 April 2022

Poll: Getting harder to find housing in Bay Area

SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) -- Housing concerns in the Bay Area have worsened.

A new poll conducted by the Bay Area Council shows 67% of people are having a more difficult time finding a home this year compared to 42% last year..

"Housing the Bay Area has long been a challenge, really a crisis for the region in terms of availability of housing and the cost of housing," said Rufus Jeffris who is a Bay Area Council spokesperson.

Costs, availability, homelessness, crime and cost of living are the top issues for those who were surveyed. Nearly half say they were considering leaving the Bay Area because of the region's high costs.

"We've made some progress in recent years with housing reforms," Jeffris said. "We have to be happy with that but I would say we're working on the margins, we're working on the edges of what we can do. This is really a question of political will."

There have been several different strategies on how to address the housing crisis.

The polling shows overwhelming support for allowing accessory dwelling units or granny units to be added to current homes.

Support is also for converting unused office and commercial spaces into housing -- making it easier for cities to approve housing developments near transit hubs.

However, there was a drop in the number of people supporting new housing in their neighborhood with 57% compared to 2019 and 2020 when 64% embraced new housing in their area.

The Bay Area Council found those numbers to be a little discouraging, but as housing remains scarce, changes will need to happen.

"We've got a problem here and it requires action. It requires strong action," Jeffris said.

from KRON4

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