Wednesday 20 April 2022

Matt Haney declares victory in state Assembly race

SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) -- Matt Haney declared victory late Tuesday night in the race for state Assembly. Haney was running against David Campos, who works as chief of staff for District Attorney Chesa Boudin.

From day one, this campaign was about building a San Francisco that was more inclusive, affordable, sustainable, and welcoming for all," Haney said in a statement. "We united a broad coalition of leaders, organizations, and individuals who shared our vision. We focused on the issues and we made promises to deliver real solutions to San Francisco’s challenges. Now I’m ready to go to Sacramento to deliver on those promises."

With all 197 precincts reporting, Haney secured 63.3 percent of the vote, compared to 36.7 percent from Campos. In the original race in February, Haney and Campos placed in the top two out of a four-candidate field, leading to Tuesday's run-off election.

Haney currently represents south of Market and the Tenderloin on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. David Chiu previously represented Assembly District 17 until October, when he resigned to become San Francisco City Attorney, leaving the seat vacant.

Haney ran on a platform centered around addressing the housing crisis, homelessness, climate change and inequality. He was endorsed by San Francisco Mayor London Breed. With a Haney victory, she will get to appoint a new supervisor to represent Haney’s District 6 on the board.

from KRON4

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