Thursday 13 January 2022

San Francisco teachers union, school district set to negotiate COVID demands

SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) -- Teachers unions have demanded that the San Francisco Unified School District return immediately to the bargaining table to get an agreement reached on COVID safety protocols.

SFUSD stuck to its original planned meeting date, which is Thursday Jan. 13.

Let's recap what both sides asked for and offered when they met last week:

The teacher's union is asking for ten paid sick days for all COVID related reasons, but the district came back offering five days.

The union want the district to provide enough KN95 masks for every student and employee each day. The district says they have been providing masks and will continue to provide them but only for employees.

The district and the union have agreed weekly COVID testing needs to be at every district site for all students and staff.

The teacer's unions have put a petition up online asking people to get involved by signing it and sending a letter to district and city leaders.

SFUSD on Twitter said they gave out over 60,000 at-home test kits to K-12 students along with tens of thousand of KN95 masks and surgical masks.

The teacher's union, UESF posted a photo of a box of tests, saying, "when your school has 45 staff members and nearly 300 students, but SFUSD sends you 12 tests total? Make it make sense."

However, San Francisco school superintendent said on Tuesday that all students and staff will have a test kit by Friday.

It appears the district is providing testing and masks, but the teacher's union does not believe it's enough.

The UESF union president has said was worried about the current situation heading into the upcoming three-day holiday weekend.

Meanwhile, the school district did post on twitter saying they are looking to hire more substitutes because teachers continue to fall ill to COVID and absences are still high.

This story will be updated as negotiations begin.

from KRON4

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