Tuesday 25 January 2022

Federal lawsuit filed in response to hate crimes against Asian community in San Francisco

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) - San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin is the subject of a federal lawsuit. The Alliance for Asian American Justice says the DA’s office isn’t doing enough to prosecute those who commit hate crimes against Asian American and Pacific Islanders in the city.

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The alliance says it has a hard time finding victims willing to speak up.

Anh Le broke down in tears at one point during Tuesday’s press conference when talking about his attackers and the lack of justice in his 2019 case.

Since the pandemic, Asian American’s have had to endure encounters like these.

Hate crimes have often turned violent which is why Brian Sun helped start the Alliance for Asian American Justice last year.

Growing from five lawyers to more than 90 law firms today.

“Don’t want to be walking down the street and have somebody yell out you brought the virus here and start chopping on us with the bat," Sun said.

On Tuesday, the Alliance gave Anh Le a platform to share the story of how he was attacked while out for a walk in San Francisco’s Chinatown.

He said that a man beat him with a glass bottle while threatening to kill him.

“The attack was the most brutal, terrifying and humiliating experience of my life and has stayed with me ever since," Le said.

According to Le, the man’s adolescent son also beat him with a bat and made death threats.

In addition to sharing his attack, Le expressed his frustration with how the San Francisco District Attorney handled his case.

“Allowed the adult male attacker to plea to a misdemeanor with one-year probation," Le said.

The Alliance for Asian American justice has filed a civil lawsuit on Le’s behalf, as well as a federal lawsuit again District Attorney Chesa Boudin in response to recent hate crimes.

Quyen Ta is one of the lawyers representing Le.

“These attacks have left our communities in mourning, terrified let me repeat that terrified of further severe harm," Ta said.

Ta says the federal lawsuit isn’t seeking money but is asking for restorative justice and an apology from the DA’s office.

“We’re seeking systemic change and we’re hoping that other Asian American victims willing step up because we’re willing to step up with them," Ta said.

KRON4 reached out to the District Attorney’s office for comment, but have not heard back.

from KRON4 https://ift.tt/35p39F4

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