Tuesday 18 January 2022

Football coach cancels weightlifting, tells team to shovel driveways instead

BETHEL PARK, Pa. (WXIN) — As much of the country was slammed by snow from a winter storm, a football coach decided to cancel his team’s weightlifting session. He recommended a different kind of workout: shoveling snow.

Brian DeLallo, a teacher and football coach at Bethel Park High School in Pennsylvania, said Monday’s scheduled weightlifting session was canceled. In lieu of pumping iron, he told his players to find a driveway to shovel.

“Due to expected severe weather, Monday’s weightlifting workout has been cancelled. Find an elderly or disabled neighbor and shovel their driveway,” he tweeted Sunday. “Don’t accept any money—that’s our Monday workout.”

His tweet garnered widespread support on social media, with several people commending him for the idea.

In a later tweet, DeLallo said he had just done his driveway and would have to make a second pass on Monday.

“It really is a great workout, at least for an old man like me," he said.

from KRON4 https://ift.tt/3nACKKF

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