Monday 29 March 2021

Will there be enough vaccines available in California?

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) - In just a few weeks, there will be no rules and limitations when it comes to eligibility to get a COVID-19 vaccine.

Many are questioning whether or not there'll be enough vaccines to go around.

“We are ready. We have been ready. We have multiple mass vaccination sites eager to accept the doses that come,” said Marin County health officer Dr. Matt Willis. 

In Marin County, they are taking steps to prepare for the additional demand and hopefully additional supply of doses.

“We’ve asked the state for additional staffing resources, and they have sent us 30 additional vaccinators. So we are building up our operations to match the supply that arrives,” Willis said. 

They are also taking steps to make sure underserved communities aren't overwhelmed by increased demand.

“The way we do that in Marin is to dedicate certain days to certain communities, so if we have an operation for 5 days, we might dedicate Monday and Tuesday to access for only to people from certain communities,” Willis added.

In Solano County, their mass vax sites are already staffed to handle more demand. Here though the challenge is getting vaccines to those who remain unsure.

“People in a lot of communities of need have levels of reluctance that we need to overcome. We need to give them the right info, and use the right community intermediaries,” Solano County health officer Dr. Bela Matyas said. 

Dr. Matyas says this is a lot more labor intensive, and this work could go on well into the summer.

“We have to  be patient, we have to have smaller scale clinics that work for the community. So I envision we will do those clinics well into the summer because some will just have to wait and make sure people they know who have been vaccinated are okay until they are vaccinated. Things like that.”

The governor has said the plan is to go from administering 1.8 million doses a week to 2 and half million, and ultimately 3 million doses a week.

from KRON4

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