Tuesday 30 March 2021

Bay Area residents continue to have trouble with unemployment benefits

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) - One year into the pandemic and some Bay Area residents are still having trouble receiving their unemployment benefits.

Just last week, EDD announced they were having problems with their website.

Those issues are still affecting some of the 800,000 unemployed Californians.

“It's just frustrating and I'm not the only one going through this," Andrew Olivarez said.

Andrew Olivarez was laid off last March at the start of the coronavirus pandemic. Signing up for unemployment was a headache.

"It's been difficult for me at first because I had to identify myself for some reason my mail was going to an old address," Olivarez said.

It took about three months for Olivarez to start receiving his unemployment benefits but it wasn't long before his account was suspended making it impossible for him to sign in and get paid.

“It was on hold again something about a security error on the EDD page so every time I would go log in try to certify or something network would crash there would be an error I would get locked out of my account just trying to sign in a few times,"

Just a few weeks ago, EDD announced they were having issues with their computer system that they use to process unemployment claims.

There were delays for some Californians trying to certify their eligibility to continue receiving benefits.

Olivarez was one of them. He hasn't been paid for three weeks.

“It was just kind of like running around I was kind of like a chicken with my head cut off just running around trying to figure out the solution," Olivarez said.

The agency's advice for people unable to certify their eligibility is simply to keep trying while the website is being fixed.

The EDD says those delays could last through April.

Meanwhile, Olivarez continues to dig into his savings account to pay his bills, anxiously waiting to get his money and eventually -- get back to work.

"It's just been really frustrating and it's kind of like what do we do next?" Olivarez said.

from KRON4 https://ift.tt/39uGGFM

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