Saturday 27 February 2021

Second woman accuses Governor Cuomo of sexual harassment

ALBANY, N.Y. (NEWS10) - A second woman has accused New York Governor Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment. Speaking to the New York Times, former aide Charlotte Bennett, 25, claims the governor asked her if she was monogamous and if she had ever been with an older man.

The former health policy adviser also makes claims the 63-year-old Governor said he was "open to relationships with women in their 20s."

On Feb 24, Bennet posted a tweet quoting Cuomo's initial accuser and appearing to support her claims.

Other claims Bennett makes in the article include the Governor allegedly suggesting she get a tattoo on her buttocks when she tried to shift the conversation to something “not about my sex life.”

In response to the article, Governor Cuomo issued a statement calling Ms. Bennett "a hardworking and valued member of our team during COVID" and saying she has "every right to speak out."

Cuomo says he tried to be supportive of Ms. Bennett when she opened up to him about being a sexual assault survivor and its effects on her. He also claims he attempted to be "a mentor to her" and denies making any advances or intention of acting inappropriately.

He goes on to ask people to await the findings of a review into his conduct before making any judgement.

Governor Cuomo's full statement is as follows:

"Ms. Bennett was a hardworking and valued member of our team during COVID. She has every right to speak out.

When she came to me and opened up about being a sexual assault survivor and how it shaped her and her ongoing efforts to create an organization that empowered her voice to help other survivors, I tried to be supportive and helpful. Ms. Bennett's initial impression was right: I was trying to be a mentor to her. I never made advances toward Ms. Bennett nor did I ever intend to act in any way that was inappropriate. The last thing I would ever have wanted was to make her feel any of the things that are being reported.

This situation cannot and should not be resolved in the press; I believe the best way to get to the truth is through a full and thorough outside review and I am directing all state employees to comply with that effort. I ask all New Yorkers to await the findings of the review so that they know the facts before making any judgements. I will have no further comment until the review has concluded."

Governor Andrew Cuomo

The ongoing review into the Governor's conduct is being headed by former federal judge Barbara Jones who was appointed to the bench in 1995 by President Bill Clinton.

Senior advisor and special counsel to the Governor Beth Garvey issued a statement on how the administration initially handled Bennett's concerns

She said: "were treated with sensitivity and respect and in accordance with applicable law and policy."

She goes on to claim Bennett was transferred by request to a "position in which she had expressed a long-standing interest" when the matter was escalated.

The statement claims that during a thorough debriefing "on the facts", Bennett made no claims of physical contact or inappropriate sexual conduct.

"The determination reached based on the information Ms Bennett provided was that no further action was required which was consistent with Ms Bennett's wishes."

Beth Garvey, Senior Advisor and Special Counsel to the Governor

Garvey also added that: "There are no limits on the scope of Judge Jones' review."

On February 24, another former aide, Lindsey Boylan, published an article detailing the alleged sexual harassment she suffered while working under Andrew Cuomo. The article expanded on the claims she made against The Governor in December 2020.

Boylan says her career was strained by the inappropriate treatment, which extended to other women in the government of New York. She also claims to have faced hostility from members of Cuomo's senior team when she "spoke up for herself."

New York State political figures have been quick to respond to the new accusations, with Assemblyman Mike Lawler calling for the Governor's immediate resignation and claiming Cuomo is: "incapable of serving as Governor of New York any longer."

Lawler says the new accusation is "consistent" with the previous one, and suggests it "reveals predatory sexual behavior on the part of the Governor."

He goes on to accuse multiple members of the Governor's staff of being "complicit" in Cuomo's "targeted harassment."

The Senate Majority Leader, Andrea Stewart-Cousins, called for an independent investigation and described the continued allegations as "deeply disturbing."

“The continued allegations are deeply disturbing and concerning. The behavior described has no place in the workplace. A truly independent investigation must begin immediately.”

Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins

Senate Republican Leader Rob Ortt called the new allegations "incredibly disturbing" before calling for a "truly independent investigation – claiming "The review suggested by someone handpicked by the Governor himself, is an outrageous, completely unacceptable idea."

The latest allegations about Governor Cuomo’s conduct are incredibly disturbing. The review suggested by someone handpicked by the Governor himself, is an outrageous, completely unacceptable idea. We need a truly independent investigation, which is why I continue to support the calls of my colleagues for a Special Prosecutor appointed by the Attorney General.

I will be convening members of the Senate Republican Conference tomorrow morning to discuss these egregious allegations and any next steps that our conference must take.

Senate Republican Leader Rob Ortt

Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay has called for a "clear and decisive" response, along with a thorough, independent, investigation.

"With additional allegations against Gov. Cuomo coming to light, the response must be clear and decisive. A thorough investigation, conducted by an entity completely outside the governor's reach, must begin immediately."

Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay

Congresswoman Elise Stefanik issued a hard-hitting statement describing Cuomo as a "criminal sexual predator" and calling for his immediate resignation. The Congresswoman goes on to say:

"Governor Cuomo’s sickening workplace sexual harassment and grooming of Ms. Bennett is so horrific it makes your skin crawl."

"It takes bravery and courage for victims to come forward with their horrific experiences facing sexual harassment, sexual grooming, and sexual abuse from Governor Cuomo. Governor Cuomo is a criminal sexual predator and he must immediately resign.

I was one of the first and one of the only elected officials to call on the Governor to resign on Dec 14th. Today, it’s time for other New York State leaders to grow a spine. The New York Times article recounting Governor Cuomo’s sickening workplace sexual harassment and grooming of Ms. Bennett is so horrific it makes your skin crawl."

Congresswoman Elise Stefanik

This is a developing story and more information will be added as it becomes available.

from KRON4

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