Saturday 27 February 2021

Rally held to denounce recent hate crimes against Bay Area Asian community

 SAN MATEO, Calif. (KRON) -- A march through San Mateo will not reverse the trend of hate crimes against members of the Bay Area's Asian community -- but Saturday's demonstration shows people are willing to publicly denounce systemic racism.

Burlingame teenager Ashlyn was so willing to put her name on it.

She organized the event at Central Park after learning about elderly Asian people being attacked in Oakland, San Francisco and other Bay Area cities.

"I saw all these Asians getting hurt, and I really didn't like that," Ashlyn So said. "So I thought it wasn't OK, and I had to to something about it."

Turns out she is not alone.

A few hundred people showed up for her event, speaking out against the violence and encouraging all hate crime victims to speak out.

"I know my friends are struggling against the hate, and I just really want to be here for everyone," Soledad Bradford said.

Those who have encountered hate first hand say one experience is one too many.

"Enough is enough," Robert Lowe said. "You know and a lot of people are in denial and there's a problem and a big problem."

The Millbrae anti-racist coalition says it wants to be apart of the solution.

"That racism and that oppression and that systematic police brutality -- we're hear to change that," Michael Kelly said.

So is Ashlyn So -- who says this cause will consume her for quite some time.

"This has to stop," she said.

from KRON4

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