Wednesday 24 February 2021

San Jose teachers have trouble getting COVID vaccine

SAN JOSE, Calif. (KRON) - In one school district, the effort to vaccinate teachers, as a requirement for re-opening schools, has hit a snag over eligibility requirements.

Some teachers say they are falling through the cracks.  

Officials say they are working on a solution to a conundrum that has been raised by teachers who are having trouble getting the vaccine because they work in one county but live in another one. 

Teaching remotely from her school office in San Jose, Willow Glen High School music teacher Kelly Walker says she has not been able to get the vaccine because she works in Santa Clara County but lives over the hill in Santa Cruz.

Acknowledging the teachers' dilemma, Santa Cruz County Public Health issued a statement Wednesday that reads in part:

"As Santa Cruz County moves into occupation-based vaccinations, Santa Cruz Public Health has determined that teachers who live or work in Santa Cruz County both serve the community and are eligible for vaccines under Phase 1b."

In it's response to our inquiry, Santa Clara County Public Health wrote:

"Based on state's guidance and allocation formulas to date, vaccinations of any population other than health care workers have been limited by county of residence.  We understand that the state is working on uniform guidance, and as soon as that is released, the county will make any necessary adjustments to vaccine appointment eligibility."

Walker, for example, is among the 9-percent of San Jose Unified employees living outside Santa Clara County.

In it's statement, the district said it is working on options or other pathways to the vaccine, saying:

"We will provide all San Jose Unified employees the opportunity to be vaccinated within the next few weeks by coordinating with all vaccine providers."

While some teachers are turning to their health care providers, Walker says that too is not an option for her.

Beginning February 28, Santa Clara County will expand vaccination to include teachers along with food and ag and emergency services but until the policy changes, Kelly Walker and other non-resident teachers are not eligible.

from KRON4

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