Tuesday 1 December 2020

CIF sports postponed until 2021

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) - The California Interscholastic Federation has announced that education-based youth sports have been put on hold as COVID cases continue to surge.

On Tuesday, all start dates for full practices and competitions were postponed until after new school sports guidelines are released by the California Department of Public Health, which isn't expected until after January 1, 2021.

The CIF will be canceling Regional and State Championship events from the Season 1 calendar. This will allow more student-athletes to have a longer season.

To avoid losing a second full season, boys volleyball will be rescheduled to Season 2.

In a statement released from the department, it said in part:

"The CIF is confident this decision is a necessary and reasonable action for our member schools, student-athletes, and school communities in light of the current statewide crisis. This revision to the CIF State 2020-21 Season 1 Sports calendar offers our Sections and Leagues the flexibility and needed time to plan for the return to practice and competition once updated guidance is provided by the CDPH."

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