Monday 28 December 2020

Miami looks to lure tech companies from California

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) - In recent months, a number of companies have announced plans to leave the Bay Area for greener pastures in Texas. 

There's another city making a strong pitch to woo companies from California. 

The Mayor of Miami says he's rolling out the red carpet to bring the companies to South Florida. 

This all started with a single tweet by Mayor Francis Suarez. 

He says a number of California companies, including some in Silicon Valley have reached out to him about loading up the truck and moving to South Beach. 

Known for its warm weather, beaches, and nightlife, Miami is looking to become the next hot spot for tech. 

"Just my tweet alone where I tweeted out to someone how can I help create Miami to be more like Silicon Valley. It got 3 million impressions," Miami Mayor Francis Suarez said.  

Since that tweet in early December, Miami Mayor Suarez has been on a mission to lure big-name tech businesses to Florida. 

Along the way, he's taken aim at California companies fed up with the luster of the Golden State and he says--the pitch is working. 

"The appetite for Miami and moving to Miami is incredibly great," Mayor Suarez said.

Suarez says discussions are underway with a number of California companies who are thinking about packing up and heading east. 

"There are some who need that final little push, and there are others who are thinking about it," Mayor Suarez said.  

One of the biggest names to make the cross-country leap, Reddit founder Alexis Ohanian.

Just weeks ago, Suarez posted the announcement of another Silicon Valley company, now making the jump, but they're not alone. 

In recent months, Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced plans to move to Texas. 

Hewlett Packard soon followed, also with plans to move to Texas. 

Suarez says many California companies are fed up with high taxes, and an unfriendly business climate, and in the age of COVID where so much is done virtually.

It's a perfect recipe for people trading in redwoods for the sunshine state. 

"Everybody wants to succeed and I think what we're trying to do is create a favorable environment for companies to succeed and roll out the red carpet and let them know we want them here," Mayor Suarez said.

Suarez says the more companies could be looking to cash out on California and if they do, he'll be ready to rollout welcome mat for them all.

"If things don't change I think it is. I think at the end of the day people will go where they find it easier to do business, where it's inexpensive and where they feel wanted," Mayor Suarez said.

Mayor Suarez says New York is another state that he's also looking at to bring businesses to Florida. 

He calls this a global competition, as cities across the world try to land companies.

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