Wednesday 30 December 2020

L.A. County COVID deaths surpass 10,000 as NYE approaches

LOS ANGELES (KRON) -- Los Angeles County has surpassed another tragic milestone: 10,000 confirmed COVID-19 deaths.

The Los Angeles County Department of Public health confirmed the county as the New Year's Eve holiday approaches.

More than 756,000 positive cases have been reported across the county along with a total of 10,056 deaths.

On Wednesday, the health department confirmed 274 new deaths, surpassing Tuesday's all-time high.

Nearly 10,400 cases were reported Wednesday.

Two months ago, L.A. County reported about 1,200 cases a day. This past week, the county has averaged 13,000 new cases every day.

On top of that, hospitalizations are at an all-time high since the pandemic began. Currently, there are 7,415 people hospitalized with COVID-19 and 20% of them are in ICU, according to the public health department.

That's an increase of more than 500 people in the last two days.

The L.A. County Department of Public Health is working to deliver COVID-19 vaccines and prioritize specific populations.

As of Tuesday, more than 78,000 frontline healthcare workers at acute care hospitals received their first doses.

“To everyone who is mourning a loved one, a friend, a co-worker or a neighbor who has passed away from COVID-19, we send you our deepest sympathies and keep you in our thoughts every day. Unfortunately, given the amount of travel and holiday intermingling that may be happening over this winter holiday, we all need to be prepared for another surge that will start with even higher case numbers in January.  I want to again urge everyone recently returning or coming  to Los Angeles County from outside the greater Southern California region – whether you just went to visit family in another state or took a trip north of here – to quarantine at home for a minimum of 10 days.  This is required for everyone who traveled for leisure or recreation."

Barbara Ferrer, PhD, MPH, MEd, Director of Public Health.

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