Saturday 29 August 2020

Veteran North Carolina middle school teacher resigns amid remote learning

GREENSBORO, N.C. (WGHP) — As teachers struggle to balance remote learning, lesson plans and taking care of their own children, one North Carolina middle school instructor decided it was too much.

“I’m very sorry to my students and my parents this year but in reality, I’m not the best teacher for this situation,” said Erica Bean, after resigning from her teaching position with Guilford County Schools.

Bean has taught sixth grade science, social studies and language arts at Western Guilford for almost 20 years.

“You just try your best to make it interactive and have fun with them,” Bean said.

Bean, like many teachers in the area, is juggling online students, technology glitches and helping her own children.

“It’s just a lot. It’s very time consuming,” Bean said.

The stress was not only getting to Bean but her family as well. Her son missed one day of first grade last week because she was struggling to keep up with her online classroom.

Her daughter, who just started fourth grade, recently made a comment that struck a chord.

“My daughter said, ‘You help those kids more than you help us.’ I’ve got to take a step back. I need to stop because she was not wrong,” Bean said.

To Bean, online learning is just not the same as being in a physical classroom.

“Highlighting the text and physically putting your hand down to the paper, writing notes is different from doing it on a computer screen,” Bean said.

She feels information is not being retained.

“There was never the satisfaction, ‘OK that went really well. That went really good,’” Bean said.

She understands the anger and frustration of Guilford County families learning from home and says teachers are in the same boat.

“When you feel the anger, find that patience for us because a lot of us, we’re learning at the same time and we will make mistakes,” Bean said.

Bean’s last day is Sept. 15 and she plans to use her free time to focus on her two kids.

“To all my students, I sure do miss you and I love you and thank you,” Bean said.

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