Saturday 29 August 2020

Anti-Asian rant caught on camera in Milpitas

MILPITAS, Calif. (KRON) — Racist remarks caught on camera, and the South Bay couple who recorded it say they were targeted.

The Milpitas couple posted a video of the racist encounter on social media.

City leaders Saturday night have also spoken out and denouncing the behavior.

“**Bleep*..what are you doing in this country?”

Video shows a man’s anti-Asian rant targeting a couple in Milpitas.

“*What am I doing in this country? We have enough people..”

The man is seen yelling this from his SUV — while a woman off-camera is heard defending herself in the parking lot of the town center Safeway Sunday night..

“I was very anxious, I had a lot of anxiety,” Junie said. “I was actually very scared kinda shaken up by it.”

Junie, who did not want to show her face, says unfortunately this has happened before — but she has no idea why this man verbally attacked them.

“I mean when we had posted this video it was just simply to kinda bring awareness to the situation and bring awareness to racism especially in this time,” Junie said.

Junie’s fiancé Minh was with her in the car..

In the heat of the moment he says he regretfully shouted anti-Gay slurs back at the man..

“It wasn’t intentional to hurt anybody I was just saying it as fighting words to exchange back with him because he was calling my fiancé some Asian b-word and stuff,” he said.

Milpitas city leaders have since weighed in the incident, including councilmember Karina Dominguez who called it unacceptable, and Mayor Rich Tran who said on Facebook:

“Hate cannot defeat hate, only love can defeat hate. I only hope we can bring awareness and education when folks in our society make the wrong decisions or mistakes. that’s the only way we can move forward as people.”

“What am I doing in this country? I’m an American citizen!”

The couple says they’re just seeking an apology from the unidentified man.

“He can apologize not just to us, but to the Asian community and that was our only motive. Nothing else.”

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