Monday 31 August 2020

California Senate extends eviction moratorium set to expire this week

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KRON) – Monday was the last day of the California legislative session and state lawmakers are expected to work late through the night to pass dozens of new laws. 

Some in direct response to the pandemic.

California state lawmakers, physically and remotely, gaveled in Monday with 160 bills to get through by midnight.

At the top of their priority list amid the pandemic, an extension to the state’s eviction moratorium set to expire this week.

The State Senate Monday passed a measure 33-2 shielding renters from eviction if they could not pay their rent because of pandemic-related hardship.

“This by no means is a handout, just a hand again, during this crisis, it’s exactly what is needed at this time,” Senator Steven Bradford, D-Gardena, said. 

Renters will still owe what they could not pay during the pandemic, they will need to pay 25% of the rent they will owe between now and February, or else they can be evicted. 

“But I won’t support the continuation when, if this comes back in January for extension, I will definitely not be supporting it then,” State Senator Andreas Borgeas, R-Fresno, said. 

Advocates say lawmakers needed to come up with some sort of solution to avoid leaving up to four million Californians homeless. 

“It is my hope we will get the leadership, the so-called leadership in Washington, to step up because this problem has been created by a failure to address a pandemic that has put so many at risk,” State Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson, D-Santa Barbara, said. 

Other priorities on the agenda for late Monday night include social justice and police accountability bills.

Some feel the work shouldn’t stop Monday, the Republican Caucus is calling on Governor Newsom to call a special session on other pandemic related problems facing the state.

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