Wednesday 20 September 2023

Ex-OPD chief LeRonne Armstrong sits down with KRON4

OAKLAND, Calif. (KRON) –  Former Oakland Police Department chief LeRonne Armstrong has been fighting for eight months to clear his name. And finally, with a new report giving his administrative appeal a “favorable outcome,” he says everyone can finally see his truth.

Front and center in the lengthy report – the hearing officer, a former judge, states the report, “Contains no basis for discipline of Chief Armstrong and that the credibility finds in the report are not germane to the issues under the review.”

KRON4 sat down with Armstrong to discuss the hearing judge's report Tuesday of his appeal of his termination last February. The firing came after an outside agency, hired by the federal monitor overseeing the department, conducted an investigation following two misconduct cases involving a sergeant.  

Armstrong has maintained he took disciplinary measures, but the investigator's report criticized his actions, leading newly-elected Mayor Sheng Thao to let him go.  

“I think it is important for the public to know the truth. I was not running a bad department. There were no systemic issues,” Armstrong told KRON4. 

In addition to disagreeing with the mayor’s firing of Armstrong, the new report also praised Armstrong’s leadership in reforming the department and completing changes put forth by the federal monitor. Armstrong called that "very rewarding."

The hearing officer stated she did not have the authority to give Armstrong his job back. KRON4 asked him whether that is something he wants.

“Not up to me, but it was always an honor to be the chief,” he replied. 

The mayor has maintained that her actions to fire the chief were not about the report, but as she said, “his knee-jerk reaction to the outside investigator’s report,” and that he saw no need for change based on that investigation.    

from KRON4

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